For the one who is discouraged by what went wrong:

Whenever you start to remember all of the times you could have done more, I hope you also remember the times you did more than enough. I hope you remember the times where you put your heart out there, not knowing what the response would be. The moments where you pushed beyond your fear of opening up and practiced vulnerability.

If you happen to remember things in the path that you wish you could change, I hope you also remember the times where you left that situation thinking, “I did everything I could do…and I am at peace.”

If you still remember the words you didn’t say or the time you held back and didn’t tell them how you actually felt, I hope you also remember: there was that other time where you did actually get to the heart of what you meant to say…and even if the only place where you wrote was in your journal, it matters. 

Give yourself some credit today. You’ve learned a lot of the things that didn’t go according to plan, and you’ve also learned from the things that did. You’ve had moments of weakness, and you’ve also had moments of stress. I hope today is one of those days where you embrace the wholeness of the story. I hope you no longer worry about tallying your failures and successes. I hope instead that you lose count of the lessons you’ve learned on this journey.

May today be the day you embrace the complicated and simultaneously beautiful fullness of life. Breathe deep and trust that all together, there is a story. It’s a journey. And not the kind of linear journey from one street to the next, but a winding path through the mountains, along the coast, and through the valley, toward the rainforest…it will take everything within you to keep going on this journey, but the beautiful thing is that the path is lined with grace that reminds you: 

You are free to pace yourself here.
You don’t have to make sense of everything in your past all at once.
You don’t have to have answers for everything that could possibly happen in the future.
Right here, right now, you are in the Light.
Even when you are moving slowly, you are taking faithful steps that matter.
No matter the pace you are traveling today, you are worthy of the journey.
You belong here just as much as anyone else. No matter how others see you, or how you see yourself.

Word of the day: Perspective (n): A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view (Oxford English Dictionary)
Journal: What moment in your past are you starting to gain a new perspective on?
Affirmation: I am worthy of the journey toward a new perspective.

More in this week's series called "Nurturing Your Soul", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


