It’s okay to not know everything.
Curiosity is a beautiful thing.

The only way to make it through these new unknowns is with courage. Courage to see that even when you feel unprepared, you are still allowed to give your all, knowing that this is what helps you grow. Remember, it’s okay to not know everything. It’s okay to step into this new season without all of the answers you thought you would have by now. This might mean that it takes a little longer to get where you want to be, but you can choose to believe: your time in this space, right here, right now, has not been wasted.

It’s okay if you can’t see it. You can still have the faith to believe it. You can still courageously approach each new day as if it had its own purpose...because it does. Not a day of your life is wasted. Even the long days, in the middle of your unknowns.

Also, it doesn’t matter who is looking or what they say to you or behind your back. May you never let it hold you back from believing that you will heal from this, too. This too is preparing you for making it through this season.

Even when you do finally feel prepared, remember that you are still free to learn as you go. Don’t be ashamed of that. Ask for advice if you need to. Read a book if you need to.
Be curious.
Ask questions.
Make mistakes.
Learn from them.
Try again.
There is no shame in needing to learn at the pace you need to, no matter how someone else makes you feel.

May you always remember that even the people who seem the most prepared still have things they haven’t figured out yet. Even the people who seem the most courageous still have mountains they are trying to overcome. No one is exempt from the journey. Not even the people you look up to. Not even the people who are in a position of power or status above you.

You are no less worthy of the journey of learning and growing just because your struggles are different than theirs. I know there will be plenty of moments where it doesn’t feel that way, and you are overwhelmed and feeling far away from where you want to be, but even then, there is still room for you to find the courage you need. To look for moments to do something brave, even though it will mean doing it afraid. To step forward, raise your voice, and take action, even though you don’t know what’s going to happen. This is vulnerability. This is courage. And even when you feel unprepared, this is what allows you to grow in strength and wisdom for these new unknowns.

Word of the day: Forward (adv): in the direction that one is facing or traveling; toward the front (Oxford Languages)
Affirmation: I am not worth any less when I don’t have the answers.
Journal: How can you be courageous in a new way today?

More in this week's series called "Hope For The Journey", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


