Think about where you were ten years ago. Think about the goals you aimed to reach and the people you felt like you had to please. The world was a completely different place back then, and you were different, too. You might even look at photographs or social media posts in awe of how you've changed from that time.

And even though you're still learning to grow each day, I hope you can take a moment today to reflect on the progress you have already made. No matter what happens this week, whatever you can remember from ten years ago is proof that all along, you have been well on your way to beautiful, meaningful growth each day. It may not always feel like it at the moment, and there might be things you wish you could change, and yet, this remains true: it is still worth it to celebrate how far you have come.

Even in the smallest ways, you are wiser.
You have learned to set boundaries.
You have learned the importance of pacing yourself.
You have learned to practice peace.
You have learned to practice listening to your body.

And slowly but surely, you’re feeling the pressure begin to soften. You're releasing the guilt and shame and making room for more and more grace...and you might not realize it, but you're also inspiring others to do the same.

So here’s just a little reminder to keep trusting that you are growing in beautiful ways even when you are not thinking about it. The effort that you're putting into welcoming more grace and gentleness matters more than you know right now. But in the same way, you can see how you've grown from ten years ago, you're going to look back and see how you've grown ten years from now...and you're going to be so glad you learned to be kind to yourself on this journey.

So give yourself some credit for all the work you’ve already done. Your progress matters, no matter your pace. Yes, there is still uncharted territory up ahead, but you are being prepared for it every day.

Word of the Day: Reflection (n) "serious thought or consideration." (Oxford Languages)
Affirmation: "I can see how I have grown and I am so grateful that I am still growing."
Journal: Think about your life 10 years ago. How have you grown the most? List 3 ways.

More in this week's series called "You Will Grow In Due Season", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


